Bart And Lisa Get Fucked | simpsons bart and lisa porn
Hi, I’m yeardley Smith. You may know me as the place of Lisa Simpson and I’m here to improvise some voices for some cartoon characters. I’Ve never seen before just to manage your expectations. I am actually one of the only people on the Simpsons who really does only one voice once in a while. I do an old lady, but that gives you some idea of how this is gon na go great all right, let’s get started! Oh here we have a sad orange dragony Cyclops II blobby. My name is iris. I wan na play hide and seek with the other Cyclops dragon girls in my class, and they were like. No, I ripped your eye is too big. It’S like cheating, so I’m just in here against the blue wall. With my little dragon, spiky spikes, I cry a lot as Lisa Simpson. There are few things I do a lot as Lisa Simpson, I talked to myself quite often, like you actually knew how often Lisa Simpson talks to herself. You would think somebody and I sing a lot as Lisa Simpson, which is tough, because Lisa Simpson is right up here. Singing is all about opening your throat and to do Lisa Simpson, I close my throat a little bit, so I have about a four note range. As Lisa Simpson, but they’re all like no Yardley, it’s great – you have great like please knock it off, so to cry, and also laughs laughs you it’s all like. It really is all in the solar plexus and there’s like a heart contraction that I feel when I pretend to be that sad. That I think, makes the crying sound, really authentic. The other thing is that, as Lisa Simpson often, I would say at least 70 % of the time when Lisa is crime, I, as yard Leon, I am actually crying like that’s how much I connect to my character, so I can throw a little a little love A little technique, Tori sort of crane, I’m all covered up because they don’t want to have any contact with you at all, but I hear you ordered a drink, so I have it right here in my syringe call you doctor prick, because you carry a big stick – That has a big prick on it and I like to think that, instead of there being some sort of medicine in there, it’s it’s a martini in a play. Once I had to play all these different characters – and I play like a sort of Fatty Arbuckle kind of barfly, which sounds a little sort of otherworldly like you’ve, revived this poor bird from the dead. But you know he does not look unlike pee, she was revived from the dead, not shaken right yeah in this syringe really. So that’s all right here in a throat – and I remember again when I was doing that plaid it was about a five-minute sketch and my cast mates were like yeardley are gon na wreck your voice and somehow I didn’t, but there’s almost no actual voice to it. It’S really guttural. My name is Charlotte. Come on! Oh my! Oh, my Unicorn, a really long, blue hair. Here’S the thing I have this really ugly birthmark on my tummy, so I kind of thought. Maybe if I grow my hair long enough, I can like wear it in front and cover my my birthmark. I don’t think Charlotte would be like the big booming sort of uniform where the big blue birthmark on her tongue. I don’t know she just looked that way to me and she’s small she’s itty-bitty. She could be from the South. You know she could be like I’m not really sure what state this X and he’s from, because I as Yardley I’ve done a lot of southern accents. People like where are you from I’m like, I was an army. Brat leave me alone all over the south, but yes, maybe Charlize. Just like you know I I just want to get along with everybody. I bring cookies everywhere. I go. I like to hand them out. I think it’s a great way to make friends what are you like: a rat, a young monkey, if you were shown this picture in an audition, the guy would be like right. But what, if he’s like? You know like cockney and he’s like what what you staring at. No I’m not grimacing that here’s to our smiles born this way right. I don’t want to eat you. I don’t eat people anymore, I’m a vegetarian here, I’m a vegetarian! I’M a nice really like a Fat, Tony kind of type right. Maybe his name is a skinny Sam and you know I used to be kind of skinny used to be skinny but uh. Now that I don’t Rob so many banks, anymore uh, I just you know. I sit around what I just count: the money. That’S what I do so you know I’m trying to stay like middle management. That’S what I’m trying to do here. Yeah, Oh granny, dan Castellaneta, Duke River. He kind of does this breathy again, not much actual voice to grandpa, so I say to dan dan. Could you do my lines as the old lady? I think what is her name? That’S how often I do hurt, like literally they’ve, killed her off three times and brought her back to life, because I do it so badly. They think it’s hilarious. So I asked him to do my line. There’S usually one or two and then he’ll. Do it and then I imitate him literally so see what what’s your name? What’S your name, my name is um. My name is Mary, my name’s Mary yeah um. You know they took away my license. So I’m like that’s, okay, you cannot keep me down yeah sure. I wear a helmet, but really my here is my helmet. My husband died, like I don’t know 20 years ago. I’M all right, I’m not lonely. Look at me go you can’t stop me or she could be a smoker. My name is Mary yeah. They took away my license so uh, you know what up yours and I got a skateboard and you know what else I got sneaks to match my skateboard and then guys snazzy little top and a little helmet to match my sneaks, I’m a skateboard. This is uh. This is a worm more and green and a bookworm duh cuz a whole new book and I’m a worm, but you know what the PSA is. I can’t actually read. This is a picture book I like to turn the pages with my tongue. It’S about. I really look, but I you know I just do that. What I think that what he’s looking, maybe he would he would sort of have a stuffy doze. If I mean I really was to amp up the goofy news, I don’t know now he started to sound like Karl on The Simpsons but Hank Azaria does. He might not appreciate that I always wanted to do a valley girl on The Simpsons. There’S a girl character named Shauna and I once got to fill in for a trust MacNeil who does the voice of Shauna? You know like the B is large. My name is big, Beatrice but B. For short, I’m a LESBIAN B and I live in the hive with, like my wife and my five thousand kids, what’s great about hive is great benefits we have like. We have great medical, we even have extra antenna care, which is super good. If your eyebrows are already growing on your antenna, you know also wink air. We have great wink air the hive. What if the mislead honest B? Is that she’s really or he is really like this team? Punk prankster, hey, listen, Oh B, my name is but the B I’m smiling here, but I got ta tell you this bucket honey super heavy dude. It’S super freakin heavy! So if you could just take the picture, so I could put the bucket down and then I could lay down in the flowers that would be awesome, he’s for a little alarm clock. If I could do like a good Gilbert, Godfrey or Bobcat Goldthwait people Reba. We have a problem, I’m missing some numbers, I’m missing number. Ah, none, but I think it’ll got eaten right. Seven, eight! Nine! Here’S what’s unfair, so this expression, of course, wouldn’t be the whole scene right. It would just be a moment, hopefully of this for a little alarm losing its whatever, because it’s missing some numbers, maybe all the rest of the time. The alarm clock is like. I know I am your alarm clock. I know I look every analog and you can filthy digital, but no useful and I can make a very big noise like this. Ah yeah, that’s got ta useful, don’t you think, because I know that you and I go off. You do not like to wake up. You just lay there like a big slug, and so I can just you know, maybe be so loud that you wish you could throw me against the wall. Well, favorites thanks so much for watching uh. It was fun for me. I hope it was fun for you.
Date: March 7, 2021
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