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There were first gameplay scenes for the new common game, that is natural, nice, that’s really really great. Yes, it comes. The whole of mobile gaming is, of course together. That is, this concept played pokmon and how was that you can run around yourself? Yes, you can run around yourself, you can, so the principle is so you go yours smartphone through the real world and the real world will appear on the screen, see that he is in which common are then you can always be a humpback whale, throw in the Hope it is received when you caught a common guest training and then compete against other people in the real world.
That means running idiots everywhere, with your smartphone rose. So far is the case and then they will face each other and then you will think to yourself write the reasons are whatsapp or what are they doing grad and will find out the goods. Pokmon can strange that I think that’s absurd. Yes, I also think the development is not nice that I can remember my children that I played outside, but I’ve played outside and still defy playing outside, with defy continue to play with my console or my cell phone. Thats already a bit.
He is also strange and man it will see where the whole thing is going. The people call to take care of themselves. Pokmon also knows not so unsuccessful. Only easy or most successful things, grafe Nintendo is also in with certain places. Maybe, especially for this engelmann.
You say, for example, in Pocono coffee and then you leave in like an internet cafe, and then you pulled common that that’s cool. Yes, certain types of pokmon there is water. Pokmon fire Pokemon arrived. Do you really want to find such places by the water? So if your influence is here, the lemberger or whatever it’s called then you’re half-water, pokmon crass, but I’m looking forward to the common party thinks because I don’t think that the people I drive in a local rang, climbing and getting market power or maybe firefighting, radio with Fire departments wiretapping or following that was a breakout-wide thing like interrupting here is also a nice thought, but that doesn’t hinder any.
So please don’t be an inspiration for people now, so that your people don’t do it like that. But what do we still know? Something like a there is no release date. So far, only this video is presented well. Antic labs presented this video at the show view and there you could just wash this gameplay if you want to see for yourself, but look YouTube for this.
Video just enter common. Go there’s a great trailer for the campaign and there’s just this one gameplay, I’m not really enthusiastic about it because graphically it is not a masterpiece now but okay, yes, yes, first just a foretaste, I guess, or maybe that I have something else will do, because you Always have to make sure that this is the mobile device can endure, because a lot of people want to have it graphics, screwed down a bit. Thats ok! To live with!