HD PORN COMICS – Oh you’re, not the kitten Um thats, my name: Do you know how dissapointing it is to be promised a tussle with a kitten only to find you here. I am the sad now Stop it with your cute little misunderstandings.
I called you here because I want Robin Like the bird or.., You are so frustrating
I Dont know what Roby-poo sees in you. Perhaps it is my big bazoombas and the buttox Ok. Fair. Maybe it is my big full lips, perfect skin and large green princess eyes.
Yeah, you know up close, you are crazy, hot arent you I wish. I was that hot. Do not put yourself down. You are a very attractive human
You have perfect blonde hair and very kissable lips.
Oh yeah Well, since were here you wan na …, Maybe
.. There you go, That is always the best way to call the Robin Hes. All yours,
I get it now Right: Oh hey, RobbyPoo, ..,
.Hey Kitten, I noticed you came here with Raven|and Starfire. I figured you probably just forgot about me. No
Not really, Of course, you did Don’t be silly, Whatever you say..
Well, Aren’t you going to tell me|how beautiful I am I mean you are pretty hot. I know
Way hotter than that alien|chick, What’s her stupid name, …
Starfire Great, You think it’s stupid too Um. I didn’t..
Aren’T you ganna make a move on me, Robby Poo, I’m not sure. That’S such a good idea And stop calling me that *Knocks* Robin are you in there
Oh crap Why’s the door locked *Kissing, Sounds* Robin’s a little busy right now Starfire. It’S not what you think.
Do you think I am the stupid? I can hear the sounds of the kissing
She’S just making those sounds Starfire. Can you “ the Go” We’re busy here?
Fine I’ll the go, I can’t believe you would do this to me Robin Kitten. Why would you do that? What’S wrong with you?
I told you before I’d make you pay Nobody dumps kitten. Nobody! You held a grudge that long Duh, I’m a girl,
Man, I remember a time when the hotel was just packed with cartoons hooking up Dude, it’s been better without Winky Dink to write ways to mess everything up Seriously: Yeah man, I just rocked Mary Jane’s world
No interruptions, No nothin, No way Uh. You feel that yet Nope
Yeah you, like it Huh, You know Mary Jane and I used to be a thing Suuuuuure you were So even THAT guy is getting some
Dude EVERYONE’S been getting freaky Uh, hello, Heyyyyyy Paaaaatrick. I don’t like it here. Sponge Bob Take your pants off Patrick
…, What I said: take your g*d damned pants off
Wow so now I may actually have a chance Totally. Why don’t you try her over there Poison Ivy She’s from the right universe and she’s looking way hot
I could give it a try. Just try one of your best lines on her. I do have some pretty great lines, So I hear you’re a big lesbo now, So no one will do me.
Will you Boobs Sorry Sorry Eh hem,
Excuse me Boobs. Ah, I just said that, didn’t I Yo You alright
Maybe I’m thinking of someone else, My lines actually aren’t so great Batman Just get over there. So I hear you’re a big- Ahhh Boobs
Oh, Are you okay? Oh my god. I don’t think so. You’Re doing great
You need help getting back to your room. Yes, Yes, I do Well, I better. Let you rest, No, don’t go!
Why not Don’t you feel that we’ve made some rare connection? Don’T you feel the sexual tension? No, not at all
Your boobs look great from here by the way
Thank you. Look, I’m just gon na lay it all out there. We have to do it To save Cartoon Hook-Ups. I don’t think I can
You’Re, seeing someone No we’re technically on a break, Then what is it? The fandom has me into girls. Now, Oh my god,
It’S happening, That’s something Winky Dink would write. Could this be? Are we in a Hook-Up right now, But
.. I’ll do it, What Neither of us are going to like it, but I’ll do it?
For you, Why me, Because you’re terrible, No one else is going to, I just feel really sorry for you.
Okay, … So get over here..
This is going way better than it should There’s going to be a knock on the door or something Is Deadpool in here. Deadpool
Just … get over here Holy crap
This is happening. It’S like really happening. [ Knocks ] Ivy You in there. Oh, no
Haha There it is You’re too late, Winky Dink, I’m already in Oh, my
Ow Are those thorns OW
Are those SERIOUSLY thorns? Damn you Winky Dink Did I save Cartoon Hook-Ups or what
I’M not sure man
There’S still not much going on around here Tell me it’s gotten at least a little better. Have you ever stuck your thing in a thorn bush? It’S not a good feeling!
I can’t have done that for nothing. Look. Man lay off alright. I said there’s not much going on here anymore, I’m really not so sure about this..
Oh, no! No! No! No! Alright! Whatever you say:
Just calm down Man, Black Widow, is so hot. Wouldn’T you just love to …
No, I wouldn’t And you’re sick for insinuating that Just leave me alone. Jeez..
What’S up his butt Come on Robby poo Kitten? Please stop. Starfire won’t talk to me because of you.
Leave me alone: That’s great! You can stop playing hard to get now, I’m not playing hard to get Whatever
I’M done with this Me too, From now on, we’ll just be open about how we feel Ahhhhh See you back in the room in a little bit.
Robin and I are TOTALLY in love –
Man, this place has really gone downhill. What did you just say This place? Just isn’t the same anymore. It’S really gone to crap.
No, it hasn’t That’s supposed to do that. Whatever man, It’s Batman, Whatever
Cartoon Hook-Ups is dead; No, it isn’t. I …
I saved it Yeah Sure you did bud Hey. I don’t like your attitude. Pip..
Uh … pip squeak
You don’t know who you’re talking to dude. How many times have you died again? You wan na take this outside Yeah Yeah. I do
You get your crew and I’ll get mine and we’ll meet outside in ten minutes.
Wow Robby Poo, you look … mature
I’M sorry do I know you. I thought we were going to drop that whole “ hard to get” thing. Oh, Oh yeah, And what show are we from again
“ Teen Titans” silly …, Teen
.. ugh …
Not really fitting, as we’ve gotten older “ Twenty-Somethings Titan” doesn’t have much of a ring to. It Sounds better to me: Stop being a goof, Let’s head to our room,
Yeah, Let’s do that, I didn’t think you’d show I never back down from a fight. Neither do I
Me neither I prefer not to fight I’m here for the After Dark version. [ inaudible, arguing, ] Jard. Have you completely lost your mind?
What I think it’s funny, But what about all the people that are going to say we go meta because we don’t have any original ideas. I don’t know Skillz
Just keep animating, I think Jim is right Jared. We should cut this bit, You don’t get a say, Batman, No dude,
It’S me Rico Rico, just voice Skillz lets get back to work. Will you ever pay me again? No
We just do this for the fun of it now.
Oh yeah, Fun That’ll, keep me from starving, Animators, don’t eat.
They animate Now, where were we Skillz Sorry, I was just having fun
What are you thinking, I’m just wondering how I got so lucky. You sure you aren’t thinking about Starfire. I legitimately have no idea who that is Great.
Me neither [ Door, Open/Close ], Who the heck are you? Well, that’s a silly question: I’m Robin No you’re, not
I’M obviously Robin Who’s Gramps over here. Look, I’m Robin! If I wasn’t, how could I be wearing this suit? I stole from him. I think I’m confused
Don’T worry I like you that way, Just watch season, 1 episode, 9 and it’ll all make sense, Just disregard any other times. I show up in the series: Okay,
.. but then, who are you Who do? I look like An imposter
An intruder, A Doppleganger Heck, if I know Don’t, ruin this for me – dude Starfire,
Oh …, Robby Poo, You know what
I don’t even care to understand Way to go. You guys just ruined my chances with Robin BOTH. I AM Robin