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Little Red Cock Rider. Fairytale 3D Parody
Overrated furry comics and why they suck Episode 1 : Associated student bodies Associated student bodies is a prime example of a comic that is both extremely popular and widely known but also terribly overrated. There are quite a few reasons as to why i consider it to suck.But i would say that the first reason is the ammount of suspension of disbelief that is needed to be able to enjoy it. But I will make it clearer as I list the major roblems this comic has with the storyline issue by issue. Issue one So here we have this freshman Daniel who looks actually a bit too young to go to college.

HIs somewhat emotionally distant parents leave him on the doorstep of Hillard Hall. Daniel meets up with Tina who could be best described as the worst Fag Hag there has ever been. After filling paperwork , handed to him not by the administration but TIna , Daniel goes to his room.

This is where we are greeted by the single most gratuitous butt shot in all the history of comics. Fan service , this early in the comic , REALLY?

The next scene has Daniel going to the registrar office , which for some reason unknown to mankind has been set up in the college gymnasium. Now , it could be only me.. But when I went to get my college information , schedule and student card , my college had an office made especially for this kind of stuff. A nice little place with box offices where the information was computerized for easy retrieval.

And that was in 2000. Exactly 2 years after this comic was published. So why on earth does the pseudo-registrar office in this comic look more like a furry convention registration than an actual registrar office? Either Daniel goes to the most technologically retarded college on earth , or the artist and writer never made any visual research for this scene.

This is also where Daniel meets up with the first supporting character of the series.

Some guy we are supposed to believe is straight and yet wears god damned daisy dukes! Remember when I was talking about suspension of disbelief? It starts right there. After uttering a few creepy sexual innuendo filled sentences , this guy and Daniel go back to the dorm where Daniel meets with his roommate Marcus. ok , this is one of my pet peeves with the first issue.

The art. We’re supposed to believe Marcus is handsome and masculine yet in every scene , his butt is swishing and he has Shirley Temple’s hair! This is also where the faggiest and stereotypical character of the series makes his first appearance wearing nothing more than lingerie! The next scene has Marcus and Daniel attending a meeting of sorts with the other residents. Of course the tiger we saw earlier HAS to be raping the deer character somewhere in the background.

The meeting is headed by some annoying The Kion King’s Timon clone whose t-shirt changes appearance on each pannel. yup , the art again. Despite all being legal adults , these people proceed to do a meet-and-greet you would normally do in elementary school where each token character is revealed. And i find it ironic that for a comic that supposedly wants to promote tolerance and equality , the whole cast are nothing but unidimensional stereotypes. There’s an angry gay , a token prep, a goth/emo guy , a dumb jock , an angsty antagonistic rich boy , a trekkie , Chris Crocker’s predecessor , a macho and an art type granola sex slave.

And of course the gay looking but not really gay guy we met earlier , swishy butt Marcus and a terrified Daniel. Later on , Marcus talks with Daniel about being gay and despite Daniel knowing Marcus for about three hours , the later starts questioning him about his sexuality.

Daniel goes to the bathroom where he is literally sexually assaulted by mister the tiger rapist from earlier . And of course ,we are supposed to find this funny. in fact , in the next scene , Daniel start masturbating furiously because of what just happened.

Not exactly a typical response to being sexually assaulted. The next scene takes place on the next morning when Daniel goes to take a shower. Instead of closed showers like normal dorms , this one has an open shower that looks more like a cheap gay porn set. Of course the not-gay-but-daisy-dukes guy tells Daniel that sex occurs regularly in the showers. Which makes me wonder why on earth hasn’t raided the place down for being a brothel.

The next and final scene of issue one takes place at the end of the week. Which is of course skipped by using a boring montage. Marcus tells Daniel he spied on Daniel masturbating. Daniel being the self-hating closet case that he is goes into shock and actually has a panic attack and cries. Instead of saying he’s sorry , and trying to calm the guy down , Marcus takes it one step further.

WHAT A CREEP! Geez! He actually takes advantage of the situation and pushes Daniel to have his first sexual relation with him. Do I have to remind you that Daniel is a virgin and a closet case at this point? Because we all know virgins and closet case really want their first sex session to be experienced under mental stress and psychological manipulation.

And also , I’d like to point out that by then Marcus and Daniel have only been acquainted less than five days ago. At the beginning of the week. We are left to assume this is only friday. I am a big sucker for good character development , and to me a guy who is closeted and self hating and has trouble socialising with other people isn’t the kind to have random casual sex.

Especially not with someone he,s known for a little more than 72 hours.

In Issue number 2 Marcus finds out Daniel felt forced into the sex. Noooooo , Really? And gives him directions to a gay support group. The gay support group is especially ridiculous. For a group supposed to help gay youth , it sure loves to reinforce stereotypes about gay people.

The support group supervisor starts a discussion on why gay people are superior. No , I swear .. he actually does this. Some kind of Aryan Gay race checklist or something.

On the list of why gays are superior : -Gays are more creative -gays dress better -gays have better taste -gays dance better -gays can wear leather suits -gays don’t have to serve in the military… WAIT! Did they REALLY list Don’t Ask Don’t Tell as a POSITIVE thing?

! not only do they serve you with the stupidest stereotypes on gay people , but they glorify the fact gay people couldn’t serve in the army! This is .. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?

! There’s also the “gays dress better” line that makes me laugh a bit.

Because in this scene , everyone in the room is wearing cheap white t-shirts and loose mom jeans. And I’m pretty sure that even in 1998 , mom jeans and tucked-in white t-shirts weren’t exactly the pinacle of good dressing. Of course, after ONLY ONE SINGLE SESSION at the support group , Daniel becomes some sort of sex hound and pounces-rapes Marcus as soon as he comes back to the dorm.

I KNOW it’s a comic , I KNOW it has smut in it.. BUT FOR GOD’S SAKE! Within one week this guy goes from closet case loser virgin to sex obsessed affirmed gay. That’s horrible character design!

Oh and of course , he gets over the trauma just in time for the gay pride parade.

So in one week : sex under pressure , gay group and gay pride parade participation. WTF?! The next storyline in this issue is basically all about Ricky spying daisy-dukes guy have sex while masturbating from up a tree, In public .

. Without being arrested for gross indecency. YAY! ..

. I know -_-;; And the last story bit is about a dude later recycled for Coyote River , being emo about the fact he couldn,t have it easy as a gay man in the past and admiring Marcus and Daniel’s ..erm ..

Courage… So in short this issue is all about : Heterophobia , stereotypes , glorifying DADT , masturbating in public and being emo. how great.

.. Also i’d like to know one thing. In the first issues someone mentions that Hillard hall is some sort of special dorm for gay students. So then why on earth is Daniel sent there?

! He’s in the closet! It would make more sense for daisy dukes guy to be sent there. At least he looks positively flaming!.

Date: March 7, 2021