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Watch Noe Best furry porn videos, furry sex videos and furry comic porn videos. The ten stages of the furry fandom Number one: you are born number two: You discover The Lion King and you love everything about it number 3 You try to the best of your abilities to draw The Lion King fanart – There is just one small problem; You don’t know how to draw, but you don’t care. It’s the effort that counts right? yeah Yeah, it is So you draw The Lion King everywhere and your friend starts getting concerned number four As you suggest to your friends that you all should go watch The Lion King again, they say no You have seen it literally a hundred times. You don’t need to see it again. Seriously stop, please stop Ofcourse you do the only reasonable thing and you dump them as your friends number five You discover a community online where people agree with you – The Lion King is the greatest movie ever!

this is awesome It seems like a lot of the people who agree with you have their very own lion king characters except that they call them fursonas and not alternative Lion King characters.

Some of them even dressed up in super cute animal costumes, that’s so awesome! Number six you have made your own fursona and you have officially joined the fandom you think everything is wonderful People are so friendly and awesome and happy And you can’t understand how this world has been here the whole time without your knowledge. you join all the furry websites and you focus our entire life around cute animal people You also somehow find 3000 bucks lying around and you figured a perfectly reasonable thing to do with it is to spend it On a giant animal costume. You take it with you to awesome conventions Where people are awesome and life is awesome and everything is so nice you slowly realize that 90% of the fandom are horny fuckheads, there are just as many asshole here as in any other community You don’t actually go along with 99% of the people you talk to, everything is shit you can’t connect with anyone and you’re gonna die alone and your family hates you what’s the point?

Why are you in this fandom? Why It’s just a bunch of cartoony animals This is so freaking childish Just why okay the fandom isn’t actually that bad, you might have been a bit over dramatic, the fandom is sort of cool and dandy And it still gives a lot of inspiration.

Many people aren’t as bad as you first thought they were and some of them are really Cool Actually number 10 you have reached total acceptance and entered furry nirvana You are one with the furrsona spirits and the fursona spirits are with you. Your life is wholesome again and you have found a lovely mate to share your animal adventure with Your spirit animal shows itself in front of you as a glowing beacon of light kissing you both Good night, every time before you fall asleep You have found peace you stop using drugs, and you realize that the fandom ain’t that bad in real life either You.

Date: March 7, 2021