Furry Porn Animations but Backwards Watch Noe Best furry porn videos, furry sex videos and furry comic porn videos
Why are you a furry? I don’t know. Maybe you aren’t even a furry? But I know why I’m a furry. It’s because I like stories, comics and art, that has cute animalpeople in them ^^ So to keep up the furry spirit, here’s 10 furry stories that might give you a lil’ bit of furry inspiration!
😀 Let’s go! 😀 One of the first comics I read after joining the fandom was Housepets! It has a lot of great humor going on and the story arcs are incredibly fun to read! But know what else is fun? Mafias!
Mafias are fun.
I think? Combine the mafia with cats and you get LackadaisyCats! Fluffy cats that are part of a mafia! Both the art and the story in this comic is amazing!
Almost as amazing as Mace’s backstory in DreamKeepers, Like how long are you planning on making that prelude, holy sh** Mace is an orphan and an outcast, so he might fit greatly in with the characters from Wurr! Where everyone are outcasts. In Wurr we find a bunch of disabled wolves trying their best to find their place in society and a place to rest Foofi: It’s written by- Manny: Foofi! Foofi: What? Manny: How much coffee have you been drinking?
You know you’re hyperreactive to caffeine Like jesus, how do you expect people to keep up with this pace? Can you please just take a chill pill and slow down for a second? Foofi: *sniff* Fine. *cough* Let’s go over to an important part of my childhood! The 13 1/2 lives of captain bluebear is a giant adventure filled to the brim with fantasy, wonder, story, and so many other incredibly creative elements In the story, we follow the adventures of Captain Bluebear A blue bear, who is also a captain There’s 13 and a half chapters in the book, where each one of them encaptures a significant part of his life It’s fun, it’s adventerous and I really hope that it doesn’t suck because it’s like 5 years since I actually read it.
But I remember it’s existence! and I remember it as something magnificent uwu Let’s jump over to another field again! One of my largest inspirations in this fandom has been Fox Amoore Most of you have probably already heard of him, He’s a furry musician, who spends a shitload of time creating music, flying to furry conventinos and creating music. He has made so much stuff for such a long time, and it seems like he’s found some form of success in it and that just makes me happy It gives me a little glimmer of hope that maybe I can do something cool as well it inspires me Also I just really love soundtracks It’s like what I live for so anyways, Fox Amoore, you are dope man UwU Something that gives me some of the furriest spirit is the movie Surf’s Up! Wait why?
You might ask That’s just penguins! Well.. Yeah..
But this movie pretty much incorporates everything it means to be a furry to me The message, the jokes, the style of filming and editing, It…
It brings out such an extremely chill vibe! Have fun and enjoy life, you know?
It might not have the most meaningful story, or the cutest animals But dang if it isn’t a good movie, with a dope ass vibe But let’s go back to more furry comics! It’s always nice to read something gay. Especially when it’s really wholesome as well! Sometime in the 00’s is a very cute fluffy story, which gives you a little bit slice of furry life. Another great piece of art, is Digger Comic by Ursula Vernon It started uploading back in 2007 and was finished in 2011 So in this webcomic you’ll actually get a full, fantastic complete story.
And let me tell you, this story is absolutely worth reading! Digging for the dichroite all the seasons ‘rooound, down in the mineshaft- What’s a dichroite? Who said that?! I did.
What, the shrub? Me In fact, I like it so much that I might have read through it all in one sitting. .. It, it wasn’t the best idea.
So that was 9 furry inspirations! That leaves only one! I’m gonna be honest. I hated this game. Three hours in, and I thought it was extremely boring to play Didn’t really drag me in much, I wasn’t a big fan of how stuff looked, and I ended up stuck, not understanding how I was gonna get further.
It was a bad experience, and I can’t say I was very impressed.
I wanted to put the game down, but I also really wanted to understand why there was so much hype over a game that was so.. Not..
fun.. to play. It didn’t make any sense. So I put on a walkthrough, and I watched.
I think it’s one of the strongest emotional responses to a story that I have ever had. And it just thaught me that you really, really can’t judge something before you’ve gotten to the end of it. -The right ending that is, because one of the endings just sucked big time (neutral endings) There are plenty of more that I could mention, like Endtown, or Cocadopes dope Dopetalks But then the list would go on forever. And ever..
And ever…. So here we are at the very end of the video!
If you liked it feel free to click like and share it and stuff, and maybe even write a lil’ comment? I don’t know, it would be very cool to see what your biggest furry inspiration has been So- So you know.. Write it.
And- And let me know.
I wanna give a quick thanks to all of our patreons, Your support means a lot to us, and it makes it easier for us to make more dope stuff So thank you! <3 I would also like to give a big big thanks to Luxis Stargryph for drawing my character And to Sky Tenkitsune for having made the background music. Also a huge thanks to Vix N Dwnq for doing some additional voice acting (also thanks to manny in the mix! 😀 ) I really appreciate it UwU There's not much more to say now, so I just hope you have a great day and that the spirits of happiness stays with you! Thanks for watching, Bye bye! .