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lisa simpson cartoon porn | lisa simpson porn comic Well Bart, what do you think of little Lisa? Just imagine what we can do with this place? Wow…

How much, how much? Well here’s what they’re asking. Oh I can’t afford that. Hey why don’t I apply at the nuclear power plant? I hear they pay pretty well.

I don’t know. I heard radiation can make you sterile. Pft.

Now you tell me. Homer.

Yeah? Please pay attention. This button here controls the emergency override curcuit. In the event of a meltdown push this button and only this button. Ooo a side.

Simpson! What? You see which button I’m pushing? Yeah, yeah, yeah, push the button. Got it.

Good night honey. Three. Two. One. And the final from Riverfront Stadium: Miami 24, Cincinnati 10.

Yeah! Yaa! I wrote this for you dad. This can’t be right, this man has 104% body fat. Hey no eating in the tank.

Go to hell.

Now what you see here is the radioactive dye we injected flowing through your husband’s circulatory system. But doctor, I haven’t injected the dye yet. Good lord. Hi.

I should leave you two alone, perhaps this pamphlet will be helpful. So you’re going to die. Kids, I have something to tell you. Oh Homie, I don’t know this might upset them. Maybe you’re right Marge.

Bart, Lisa come here for a minute. The day you were born, I received the greatest gift a man can have. As the years went by, your mother and I were blessed twice more.

And not a day goes by that we don’t thank God for all three of you. Hey Norman, how’s it going?

So you got dragged out here too huh? How ya doing Fred? Ya. Excuse me. Oh, pardon my golashes.

Hehehe. Lets all enjoy Lisa Simpson’s rendition of stormy leather, uh, weather. [Excited Rambling] Get up! Let’s go to Duff Gardens! Oh great Dad’s dead.

Ohhh… You look terrible. I don’t care.

I’m going to Duff Gardens! Clear! More. Mrs. Simpson, I’m afraid your husband is dead.

And so we mourn the loss of Homer J. Simpson. Hey what’s this? Lisa..

Little Lisa, Lisa Simpson. You know I always felt you were the best this my name ever got attached to.

Since the time you learned to pin your own diapers, you’ve been smarter than me. I just want you to know I’ve always been proud of you. You’re my greatest accomplishment and you did it all yourself.

You help me understand my own wife better and taught me to be a better person. But you’re also my daughter, and I don’t think anybody could’ve had a better daughter than… Dad you’re babbling.

See, you’re still helping me..

Date: March 7, 2021