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of the spur. That’S a good station bart and marge simpson having sex. What with the morning cattle drive and armadillo mike in the afternoon, and nothing keeps me informed, like rodeo rick’s news roundup every hour on the shut up, i just want to say i’ve not only found new neighbors but gained new friends and from now on wi-fi in This neighborhood is on me. Oh that book i ordered is going to be delayed all right. Well, warren!

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I really appreciate you showing me around simon, always happy to help the newbies and how’d you like your lap. Oh it’s a hell of a city. It’S like somebody stepped on new york and scraped it off on the beach clever, slightly nasty, very impressive. You know! I don’t say this often though, but i actually think you’re quite good at this.
Oh well, oh nuts, here come the paparazzi, hey homie. I thought you were at that sports bar well. That place was for die-hard sports fans, not guys like me, who are only fans when their team makes the playoffs. So i decided to take apart the washing machine to see where that penny i left in my pants went well. I am glad you’re spending more time with us, but maybe you should get a plumber to help you with that.

Oh those guys are all crooks. They charge you for parts and labor pick one buddy. I can do this just fine by myself. Don’T worry, i got it sure as hell to have your husband around all the time ain’t it at least in hell. The heat still works.
Well, i do know something that could occupy his time. A lot of his time seen it work with plenty of men. My age only thing is you may not get him back. What is it hey there neighbor you look as puffed up as a peacock and garfield golf. What is uh you wanted to see me simon.

No bart and marge naked, as you know, over the past few days, i’ve grown rather fond of you. I can’t believe you gave me your home phone number. That’S not my home number! That’S my assistant’s work number now moe! I want to give you a friendly warning: don’t do what i did don’t become the mean judge, but it’s brought you everything a man could want.

I i bet you throw out your paper plates instead of reusing them till the food drops through. That’S true everything. You said is true, but there’s a cost. I’M lonely mo. No one dares to be my friend for fear i’ll, say something nasty, but what we do is just kidding around right.

People know that do they they’ve been preparing a bio view with interviews of people you’ve judged. Let’S have a look he’s the meanest man in town nasty on the couch. We hate you so does stew edit that so it rhymes with something wow. I can’t believe this simon is simon huh. Was he really here or was it just my imagination?

I’M here my black t-shirt makes me blend into the shadows. I’M here i’m gone. I’M here i’m gone. I’M here i’m gone i’m here i get it. I get it.

That’S your thing, happy birthday to you this is it moe america’s gon na learn just what sort of man you are? Okay, randy, what’d, you think of that performance, all right all right! You know what i was feeling that dog happy was very cool right, but birth was definitely a little pitchy, but i got ta say something: you worked it out on day man and then, when you hit that to you dude that was the bomb you blew out. All the candles baby, if you think that answer was a yes text, the number at the bottom of the screen giant secret charges may apply cara. I have to admit, i didn’t think you could come back from last week when your version of brown sugar made mick jagger retire from singing forever, but you rocked it ellen.

What’S your ramble on this ryan, i don’t ramble anymore, although i do love that song ramblin man by the allman brothers, i used to think that they were the almond brothers, which was cool because i love nuts, except for filbert’s, which is weird because i love dilbert, Because when you’re stuck working in a cubicle, sometimes you just got ta dance. Now, let’s hear from the new guy mo sislak, oh well, let’s see here, um don’t become the mean judge! Mr cowell, would you like some band candy security, uh, i’m afraid you’re wasting your time on this stage, because you should be on broadway charging a hundred bucks, a ticket you’re, a natural talent, i’m getting a little emotional here, because your voice, it opened up a little Part of me that i thought was closed to truth and beauty forever. If there’s a god, i just hope that right now he’s voting your name on that 888 line, it was, it was really beautiful. Really, thank you.

Okay, that’s four thumbs up and finally, because this show now has more judges than the supreme court simon. What do you say? Well, that was truly a remarkable version of happy birthday because when it was done, i actually felt like i had lost a year of my life, but even more objectionable were most insipid comments. A desperate plea for affection, which fell as flat as the hair. On my head, why are you ragging on me?

I’M just doing what you said. Hmm, let me think why would i try to sabotage a new judge who just might do what i do for 48 million dollars? Less hey, hey i’ve been double-crossed here, you’re, pretty smart, uh simon. Let’S see how smart you are with your voice box hanging out label the camera labeled a camera wha! Oh uh!

Sorry, sorry! Ah, you bastard t’s scorecard stubby little pencil you’re all set have fun, homie mm-hmm looks like jimmy’s, starting them off with a three-iron. My first shot was with a three-iron one shot and i was hooked for life barely saw my family again, birthdays anniversaries. I missed them all. I’M missing my daughter’s wedding right now: sweet guy, i’m told one shot hooked for life marge you ruined my shot, but you can take another in 40 years.

That was awesome. I feel, like the tiger woods, have sex hmm in the mood for another round. I didn’t rip out his voice box, but i did stretch out his t-shirt. Then they said i ain’t allowed back in california no more and i can no longer make judgments about nothing. Hey moe, am i okay to drive legally, i can’t say to a drunk man, that’s a yes, he seems fine.

There is one bright side, i’m also forbidden from ever watching fox. You can’t even show it in the bomber. That’S right and business has never been better. Oh, hey how’s it going there. Mr murdock, never mind me put on my jay leno show uh.

Date: March 7, 2021