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Jerrell possesses a great power. She cannot control. She is a danger to herself to others until she learns to control it. She should remain isolated first of all box. Second, if you’re going to speak of courage, at least the triples really means it means balls as in like knuckleballs, a lot of people say um, let her go after her wait, old, saying like oh, we must get her a story for her bio. Then we should start training as soon as possible. She must learn to control her abilities. This training really necessary. You saw what happened. She could be a greater threat than the hunt. Fine we’ll stay here a while longer then join you and tris in novigrad meet at dandelions income on young. The sooner we leave the better see ya, and I will apologize for my YouTube channel how disgustingly messy it is with the uploads. I can’t really control how my livestream uploads or what order it up load, which is horrible so, like I’ll, have you know this whole live stream, but it’ll be uploaded in, like seven out of 11 3 out of 11 20 out of a letter. Wait what, though, oh dope hook the 20 get out of a lot, or how did you get a party 20 out of heart discouraged up for a mere eight to ten o’clock? See it up. We are pleased in crazy ways. I try to concuss many as it takes. You know, I’m not getting anywhere l. We shall return to this later. Maybe fear later didn’t make it far first time out on the calm that either Carol, please not now. By comparison, the gauntlet was a walk in the park, but that’s not the point. What is a velar says? Nothing will come of this until I stop thinking about the battle, but at the moment I find it impossible to fill my head with kittens and vanilla pudding. Tell me: how do you do it? What always managed to pull yourself together, focus no matter what’s happening, hmm, there’s a certain ancient method. Bez Amir taught it to me empowerment, ought to him. Will you take me into the mountains and make me drink the hemlock, the skela kadra, which have used it for centuries? It always works.

Date: March 5, 2021