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Kept you waiting, huh Gerald gerald, wake up. Ah, what yen something wrong? Wake up sit with us a while jayus you here too. What’S going on. We need to tell you something: you two are acting strange us know yin and I well. We talked and concluded that we’ve wasted much too much time fighting over you. Meanwhile, we’ll probably soon face the Wild Hunt, most likely battle errored in himself, and who knows what could happen so we decided we must try to make the most of the time we have left together together, go on we’ve always loved each other you’re in love with Us there’s no point in fighting it. We must enjoy what we have. So we prepared something special come by the kingfisher this evening. Bring wine lots of wine. See you later love. I can’t wait. This will be interesting. You you you, you I’d, lost, hope that you’d appear. We couldn’t wait for you to show what about me. Don’T I get any! You just got exactly what you deserve hey. This isn’t funny come back, Tris, yeah haha! Well! Well, ladies, did quite a number on you. You know about this. No, they didn’t tell me till this morning. Shame really because it looks like you had a roaring good time. Dandelion! Alright! Alright, sorry, don’t often see you like this couldn’t resist. So how do you feel a bit numb? I bet God what I deserved should have known. It was too good to be true. You certainly should have Oh gerald how little you know about women. Did you really think you could have them both? You have a great deal to learn. Glad to give you some advice, if you want think I’ll pass, I’m going to the port, we should already be on our way to Skellig. Ah well, take care of yourself friend and you’re, not sore about my teasing. Are you know, I’m not so?
Date: March 7, 2021
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