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I was on my way. Perhaps perhaps you’d stay just a bit longer, there’s one small favor you might yet do for me. What is it I put in an order for a few substances from novigrad? The trader was due to be here yesterday, but has yet to arrive. Did you see what happened?

The package is rather important to me. Why not if he was coming here from novigrad, he must have passed through a black bow they’ll check the area. Thank you. I shall be ever so grateful ask a service of the witcher, the pellet most of which early service. That’S to say what do you need?

Tell me a man who fears no evil. The pella needs for father’s Eve is nigh. We’Ve rights to conduct wandering souls to emerge, damned souls to weave the circle to protect from these wretches what’ll I get out of it. Witches do not for free. Mr Peller knows not to fear how to reward one for their aid.

This to the Pella house. Why hold the ritual at all a times men die choking with regret. At times, death takes them before they’ve tasted, any bitterness in life. These poor souls unfulfilled cannot leave this vale of tears. Their spirits wonder mitch.

The living must be judged, sent on their way. This we do on forefathers. Eve seems like you could use a Witcher, so yeah I’ll help. You not refuse the pail anew the times come together the folk across the lake. We must journey to fight I’ll there in the circle of stones.

We shall meet the sooner. We resolve this, the better best. Do it tonight at midnight. Heavy wheels merchants wagon favorites. You laugh, the relative high-speed doesn’t bode well yeah merchants, travelling across the Devon alone, no way that was gon na end well, leftovers cuts of meat get a breakfast under what spell requires that a try red from Zubin on southern slope, Joseph that current and citrus pains The heart that was still intact don’t sense.

Date: February 26, 2021