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. No way. It’S got to be one of the best battle royale moments. What do we have here? This is uh. Oh they’re, up pretty close, i don’t know how skillful this is. Oh with the spikes. All right, you got, ta go off the crash pad. Was it raining? Oh no. They just used it to speed up. Ah, that’s a good use. He didn’t know. I was in the car stealthy. This is just like real life. Whenever you’re in a car, you’re invisible yeah, you know, i think i just drag away. Why risk the confrontation exactly ooh? All right got ta build some stairs. Oh, you can’t get away what they built. The stairs as a distraction and then popped up from behind they got a leg up. Oh oh, you blew yourself up epic scale, you play. Oh, no, don’t hurt the banana man banana man don’t slip on him. Yeah banana man’s got backup. Oh, it did not work. That was awesome. All right. Let’S see, yeah you speed up with the umbrella off the crash pad oh you’re, in the storm. What are you gon na? Do what how what they hit the shot? Shivers mary poppins is awesome, got ta fly with that umbrella whoa. How many trampolines was that um? Two, a lot? Oh, you got nunchucks and you’re playing with your mouth. I love this a tasty way to win yeah all right, trying to trick shot. Oh yeah, you can’t trick shot without the sniper right. That’S what i always say. That’S the old saying! Oh you got ta know what you got in your inventory. What do you have in your inventory? I’Ve got my driver’s license. Oh good, could i have your driver’s license? No, my enemies, loot, yeah, okay, teammates, loot, ooh lots of pretty colors. I like his outfits. Oh you just got bricks. That’S enough! Oh! You thought they were gon na miss, but they landed it just in time yep. What is it about pulling out the pickaxe after you take the shot? It’S it’s just to show off right right. Maybe so do you guys know, let us know all right launching the rocket and running up and you’re still missing wow. Oh, it’s your own shadow! You can’t hit your shadow peter pan can right all right off the trampoline look out for the helicopter planes. Oh they’re, okay, wow, oh off of the helicopter, landed the shot, epic, all right, you’re phasing in one two, oh three knocked down in a row: wow! Oh okay, so this is in creative mode. Was that a golf club? Oh yeah, oh and dodge the rocket with a dance move? Oh you got a shark off the shark into the air. Oh victory, royale! Oh yeah, off the shark! That’S incredible! Oh all! Right! You’Re! In the storm going to the porta potty, what yes, no secret tunnel most porta-potties are like that. Oh really yeah! You ever been down. One comment below on the atv put it on the plane. Oh yeah come on ah rats. Oh, i guess they don’t need the plane. They can fly on that thing. Wow, ah perfect, aim wow! This guy is great. All right pick up the wind come on finish the job. You know my favorite part. What’S that when he went off the cliff, oh yep. Oh look out lots of spikes. I love these when they set up their own little obstacle. Course, it’s like a little rat maze. Oh you got little ice blocks on your feet to help you slide ooh. I didn’t even notice that that’s efficient, that’s just thinking. Smart yeah no moving feet for her and onto the hoverboard. It’S not back to the future. It’S fortnite to the future, all right and grapple on to the rocket launcher wow. That was fine. I love those little mazes something about running through a maze. That’S just so much fun. There was no cheese at the end, though. Do you know that for sure yeah i just watched it? Maybe it was tiny cheese kidnapped in fortnite, oh no, all right and comes the helicopter uh is that to rescue them or to kidnap them, uh, probably to kidnap them. They were downed and then they got picked up and taken into the sky in a beautiful helicopter. Up up and away ooh how many balloons do you need three uh two? Now it’s a party right, that’s like up! Have you ever seen that movie? What’S up right, exactly jump here, nailed it they did it. That’S an epic win. Yeah! Well done! It’S said to jump to: oh, it’s still going! Oh down the slide, got a sword icy feet. What it didn’t say slide here, there’s just so much going on. How did they? How do they know what to do ground one of 100? Let’S watch the next 99 ooh get it you like the fortnite cartoon porn dances right shivers. I love them. Do you see me doing them? Oh yeah, that’s my favorite dance, yeah mine too. You got one. Oh yeah, the uh, the one that goes like uh, that’s pretty good! Yeah yeah was that an epic fail comment below all right up into the sky, bouncing off the stairs use the plunger grapple off of a rocket. They get some serious air here they do ooh off of the crash pad. I fear for their safety up there. Ah they’ll be fine, they’ve got umbrellas and at least he’s got his guitar too. They are mocking that guy. He wants to fight yeah. His friends are like no. No, no leave that be you don’t want that confrontation in your life if they can fortnite dance. Who knows what else they can do right season 10 ooh, the koala challenge? What’S that? Oh, oh, knocked him over wait, he did it. Yes did it while falling over. That’S amazing! I love when they’re able to ride the rocket and then burst back into reality. Oops there goes gravity what what just happened. Oh they saved themselves from falling into a volcano. Is this one clip or did they edit a lot together? I feel like my brain was skipping grooves ooh. Do the flip switch to a cinematic camera? Yes, please look at that. What am i seeing it’s like a fortnite cartoon porn movie? Oh they’re twins. They look the same which one’s the evil – one, hmm, i guess we’ll find out. Do you see a uh? Do you see a goatee on either of them? No. Ah, high five twin high five: oh no, oh, no save your twin. What maybe use something other than a pickaxe! Maybe huh turns out they’re, both evil, all right up in the air, all right and hiding in a box, a classic move. That’S my favorite! Ah, it’s such a power move to blast into the storm and still win the game. I think it’s a power move to hide in a box. Um
Date: March 7, 2021
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