marvel porn comics


Deadpool and Rogue ,marvel porn comics
Oh, welcome back to between the pages, I’m your host, grace Randolph and joining us once again. It’S Alan Kessler from Newsarama and crazy sexy geeks here on YouTube and we’re reporting from Midtown comics here in Times Square, and today we’re talking about Catwoman, bleeding cool reported. Just earlier this week that a fox news division, I think, out of Washington DC, called it fictional pornography or fictional Playboy, which I like but, as opposed to all the realistic documentary pornography exists on the internet. There was some discussion about this back when the first comic first came out. Yes, in the inner in the comics world, you know it was kind of like an internal discussion where people were like what’s going on.

This is crazy, but it just stayed there kind of died and the book is selling well, yes, but all of a sudden you know people are accusing us of reading porn Alan. I don’t appreciate it. I read Catwoman, you know this happens. All the time, though, like every couple of months, you know the news media that doesn’t normally pay attention to comic books, they’ll find out of us and like oh, my god, why aren’t people talking about this like cuz, it’s been around for five years or five months Or ever long it’s been well. Let me ask this first: do you think the Catwoman is anywhere near what they’re saying?

No, I can. I can see some of the points I can see the beginning of the logic. There are things happening in Catwoman in terms of how the characters portrayed visually a couple things in her behavior, but it’s a big cry from a lot of other comic books which I will say are basically porn yeah and Dynamite’s entire line. Just like you have titles that they’re like bomb queen um, totally where she’s or shirt she doesn’t wear any clothing at the time and most recently they have a storyline where basically she’s having cybersex to free prisoners from cyber prisons. Like that’s very that’s very kind of her yeah, you know I mean like that’s porn.

Basically, even though you don’t see anything like even the story is basically poor. Here’S my thing, I don’t think it is either. I think Catwoman is not any different than what you would see on HBO right and that’s the big difference still showing attitude from the media, but this is for kids. Well, no, this comic really isn’t Marvel and DC both have children lines. Yeah, like that’s like this is what you should be reading to get into this, and then you know you graduate and I think it’s a system that works.

I mean, that said, though I do see what you’re saying about some of the visual choices for Catwoman. I have nothing against Catwoman having sex or talking about sex. You see anything by the way, exactly, which is one of my points. You know you see stuff on an HBO show you see stuff on a Showtime. You see stuff on Boardwalk Empire.

Oh, yeah, you don’t actually see Catwoman having sex. You know you. You have scenes that imply that it’s happened or they’re gon na happen. Yeah, okay, but the what you see in a Catwoman book is the same as what you would see on the CW. I think it’s a huge leap in an overreaction to call it just someone looking for a story right now, literally it’s it’s.

They should think about what they’re saying I wish someone will have a story about how they look, how great comic books are. We should, we should maybe check some ad right instead of saying like look, how terrible Catwoman is. Maybe you can say well look how interesting that they’re, remodeling Superman and making him relevant again now interesting that they have these other titles out there, even with Catwoman. You know this is one of the few female books. It’S selling, yes, you know, and so I mean it must be selling for a reason.

But another thing I want to say is that I do think that one of my biggest problems with cow in these days is how low down her costume is unzipped. I agree with that. One of the reasons I didn’t watch the short film in front of Batman year. One is that I saw screen grabs from it and I was like well clearly. Thats not for me.

It’s not even like a little cleavage is showing no she’s. Basically, undressed like she forgot to like finish dressing yeah. She has this little clothes on to keep that not having like an X rating or anything. You know, it’s like they’re like it’s just. Basically, it’s a skin-tight suit, so I mean, like I, mean it’s, pushing the boundaries of what a skin tight suit can do, though out of like it’s, it’s unzipped all the way, but it’s still holding fast to her yeah.

Are you that’s superhero tape? Yeah? We get celebrity tape or Hollywood Dave, some weird form, a spirit gum or something which is even more ridiculous, because one of the big scenes that cause the reaction, the short, is that she unzips her costume, pretty much all the way and then reaches in and pulls Out a whip, and apparently she was holding he didn’t see like that. It was a giant bulge in this yeah it’s in tight but does not show you the whip. She has underneath her right.

Breast, oh, wait! I think this is a problem. I have to say the one time I the only time I ever wrote into a comic book was when they relaunched x-men new x-men with Grant Morrison and they put Emma Frost on the front in that costume yeah and I actually wrote to Marvel – and I said, Uh, I was a female reader. I feel silly at the checkout line with this book and that happens yeah, that, when Star Sapphire a few years back, got her new, extremely sexualized, barely-there costume and there’s a cover of her standing over Green Lantern with her heel digging into his throat and she’s. Just like look at that title, and she’s, like look at me, I’m kind of naked, I heard from different comic book stores that there were a lot of female readers who either were obviously self-conscious about getting it yeah or decided not to buy it because they didn’t Want to be seen reading it on the subway or something like they just figured well I’ll borrow a friend’s copy.

Cuz honestly, I feel weird having it around with your friends saying what are you reading? What happened to me was I bought it and I ripped the cover off. Thats why I like a new title like birds of prey, which I think manages to be very feminine, but they have full body. You know regular costumes. It would provide the support.

A superhero woman would want well. I think this is the difference between sexy and overtly sexual Catwoman, especially for the past 10 years, basically has been wearing very practical gear. I think people love that change. I think that you know reinvigorated the character people like. Why would you have a tail?

Its like the cape rule in The Incredibles right, who runs around a big, long purple tail and it works for her because it’s still very sexy, like the black leather tight cat burgler off, it is still very sexy. It’S with your personality and it fits with her personality. Occasionally in comics they’ve had her before this relaunch. They would have her like unzip a little bit to distract a villain, and then she would punch him yeah, and I get that and that’s honestly really funny. I think that’s a good tactic right.

I think that would work. But when she went like unzipped is the default position, then it just gets silly to me. It’S not even Wow, that’s sexual, and I just don’t like it. Its actually silly well Peter David even actually made a comment about this recently, an X Factor when he had a character, tell Monet to sip up your costume already, even I’m getting tired of looking at you right, here’s the thing I love the Catwoman comic. I think Judd Winick is doing a great job.

Yes, I like the character. I know I can understand what some people don’t like it she’s a little bit more responsible. You know, but I guess this is like the beginning of her career, but I just wish she cover up a little more because sometimes it makes me like. Maybe I shouldn’t be reading it I mean at a certain point. You know I get that sex sells and sexy always sells, but at a certain point I feel like okay, you’re you’re writing stories that no dialogue and plot-wise are for late teens to early 30s.

But usually, I would say, yeah we’re beyond that, but visually you’re drawing as if I’m 13 and just discovering puberty and girls and stuff and you’re also discounting a whole gender and you’re yeah, which is half the population. And why don’t you want to? You know, make that welcome. That market is possible and actually that’s a good point cuz. Maybe, if Jade just stepped up her costume a little bit more.

Date: March 7, 2021